March 8 - A Classic / Romantic Situation

C Melodic Minor (Three Flats in Key Signature Bb, Eb, Ab)

Ascending: C D Eb F G A-Natural B-Natural C

Descending: C Bb Ab G F Eb D C

Four Typical Forms in a Symphony - With Letter Name Diagrams

                            Exposition Development Recapitulation
Sonata-Allegro           A                B                   A'
                                  a  b                                  a'  b'

Theme and Variations      A A' A'' . . . (etc.)

Minuet and Trio                A                               B                     A
                              a(repeat) b(repeat)    c(repeat) d(repeat)     a   b

Rondo                  ABACA  or  ABACABA

Birth and Death Dates for Beethoven / Three Stylistic Periods and Characterizations


Early  -   Classical  (Super Haydn / Mozart)

Middle  -  Typical  (Quintessential)

Late  - Romantic (Progressive / Weird)


[8732] F.J. Haydn - Symphony No. 94 ("Surprise"): II

[8756] W.A. Mozart - Violin Concerto No. 5 ("Turkish"): III

[8779] Ludwig van Beethoven - Symphony No. 5: I

[8803] Hector Berlioz - Symphonie Fantastique: V. Dream of a Witches' Sabbath

[8813] Giuseppe Verdi - Rigoletto: Quartet

[8813] Richard Wagner - Gotterdammerung: Finale












Valley College,

with the Theoreticians for W.A. Mozart's Piano Sonata in C Major, K. 545, as Dictation / Keyboard-Solfege / Board-Harmony,

with more work on inversions +

the final Student Composition 1's from our talented group.

Brief visit with Carol


homeward for some paper-grading,

before returning to the evening class.

Late-night, over video,

produce piano-vocal and

visual libretto re Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel, Op. 232: XVIII. 1896 - Josef Labor (Alma's First First Teacher), and compose

Estampies, Op. 249: VIII. La Uitime Estampie Real

Quintet ("Bullets"), Op. 250, page 8

Variations on the Romanesca, Op. 251:
     VIIII. J.S. Bach (1685-1750) - Organ Passacaglia in C Minor (1713)

A chilly high 57 (down 16 from a week ago), the 49th day of spring...