May 23 - Intersection of Time and Place




of Winters,

now from Dry Slough Barn to

Palm Ranch,

eventually reversing course,

dining at

Preserve (73rd day of summer, high up 2 to that same number temperature), before continuing endeavors,

over other videos, on

That's How It Is On This Bitch Of An Earth, Op. 254
[Title: Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) - Waiting for Godot (1953)
Source Material: David Attenborough (b. 1926) - Color Original-Broadcast Filmography (1963-2016)]

VI. Man Blong Custom (May 23)

Sound / Identification - Horns (00:49) / The South Pacific (2:00)
Sound - Nose Flutes / Birds (3:00)
Caution - Journey Is Not an Easy One (5:00)
Sound - Funeral Music (11:00)
Sound - Drone Parallel Chant (19:00, 20:00, 21:00))
Sex - To Claim a Bride (29:00)
Sound - Flutes (35:00)