November 16 - At Ease in Uncertain Times

Second time in the day for music by Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern, and Alban Berg -- here supplemented by works of Raph Vaughan Williams, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Charles Ives, Maurice Ravel, Alma Mahler, Bela Bartok, Igor Stravinsky, Karol Szymanowski, and Edgar Varese...

wow!  And listening / looking ahead as below...

C (Lydian) Blues Scale

C Eb F (F#) G Bb C

Four C Chords

C Augmented    C Major    C Minor    C Diminished

G#                     G               G               Gb
E                        E               Eb              Eb
C                        C               C               C

Chord Pattern in 12-Bar Blues

Chord              I
Measure #       1   2   3   4

                       IV        I
                       5    6   7    8

                       V   IV  I
                       9    10  11  12



[YouTube] Sergei Prokofiev - Symphony No. 4: I [Revised Version]
[8898]       George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue
[YouTube] Aaron Copland - Billy the Kid: Gun Battle
[YouTube] Harry Partch - U.S. Highball
[YouTube] Dmitri Shostakovich - Symphony No. 5: IV. Finale
[8908]        Olivier Messiaen - Turangalila Symphony: IV






triple substitution for Bruce Cook,

re Music History,

Piano, and

World Music --

wonderful lunch snugged in -- and of course the fantastic regulars as above,

on the 12th day of fall, high 63 home and at the College,

beginnnig composition of 24 Tone Preludes: I. Dances of the Devilettes, inspired by the first two-dozen tone rows that would proceed the list enumerate in the Wikipedia article on same, in collision with Claude Debussy's Preludes, featuring orchestrations inspired from Franz Liszt's Les Preludes....