Eighth rehearsal of the Jostein Stahlheim / John Bilotta
Rosetta's Stone
(as part of Goat Hall Productions / San Francisco Cabaret Opera's
Fresh Voices XVI: Memories and Desires -- 8:15pm, Fridays / Saturdays, August 12-13, 26-27, Lesher Center for the Arts, Walnut Creek, CA),
directly followed by
instrumental rehearsal of same,
returning homeward on the 133rd day of summer
(high flaming up 6 to 104... 76 / 43 / 10 days above 80 / 90 / 100+...100 in Pleasant Hill) --
past a
new burn in the
North Lagoon Mountains,
to errands
and the production of parts re
Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel, Op. 232: LIII. George Bernard Shaw / Paul Zsolnay...