January 26 - Holding Forth

First Diablo Valley College Spring 2016 session for both the Music Theory and

History classes -- and a great group of students in each, looking towards Quiz 1, in the latter's case, as below...

C Major Scale
C  D   E   F   G   A   B  C
1   2     3  4    5    6    7  8 (1)
So Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti  Do

One Octave of a Piano Keyboard
  C#   D#     F#   G#   A#
  Db   Eb     Gb  Ab   Bb
C    D    E  F   G      A    B   C

Five Ways of Producing Sound
Wind (Aerophone)
Solid-Body (Idiophone)
Drum (Membranophone)
String (Chordophone)
Electricity (Electrophone)

[1970] Richard Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spake Zarathustra): Introduction
[1980] Gustav Holst - The Planets: I. Mars
[1981] Edgar Varese - Poeme Electronique (Electronic Poem)
[YouTube] Alan Hovhaness - And God Created Great Whales
[1988] Senegal - Greetings from Podor
[1998] California (Yurok) - Women's Brush Dance


Up way early, but at least it makes for a reasonably easy commute, on the sunny /

foggy border,

preparing the classroom, admitting some impressively-early-arriving students more than a half hour before start time,

out briefly for

coffee at the DVC Bookstore,


to engage with the dynamic morning group,












to design poster for The Opus Project presents Opus 37: Fired Up! (8pm, Saturday, January 30, 2916, Diablo Valley College Music Building, Viking Drive, Pleasant Hill, CA),

and heading southwest once more to the enthusiastic, overpopulated evening ensemble.  Home late, and somehow finding time to edit  1913 - Alma Mahler / Oskar Kokoschka, Op. 232, No. 35 (5 pages total), on the 26the day of spring, the rondo of highs over the last six days: 60 55 60 60 62 60 (ABAACA)...